Sign of the month : Virgo

Happy Birthday! Virgos (August22- September22)

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  Sign Virgo
  Ruling planet Mercury
  Element Earthy Sign
  Direction South
  Rashi Gem Emerland
  Favorable Deity Ganpati
  Fasting Day Wednesday
  Favorable Number Five
  Favorable Dates  5/14/23
  Friendly Sign Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra
  Specific Personality Dual compromising nature
  Positive Attitude Energetic
  Negative Attitude Fault finding, Quarrelsome.

 Know yourself! Virgos

You are generally studious in nature and take keen interest in earning knowledge in various subjects. The planet Mercury, governing our intellect and communicative faculties, rules Virgo, where tradition also places the house of its exaltation, so Virgos have a truly intellectual, critical and analytical approach to life. Communication is important and you love books, magazines, and writing. You are truthful, will speak kindly, intelligent, middle sized person, exhibit taste in art & literature, emotional & will be carried away by impulses. Humble and shy, you desire to be of service without involvement of the ego. Logic, analysis, criticism, assimilation, discrimination, and adaptability are your natural abilities. You are thoughtful, modest, economical and cautious sometimes rather undecided but usually precise though nervous and looking self confident. In society you have a scholarly image.

Critical eye for detail, combined with your ceaseless pursuit of perfection, endows you with an irresistible urge to improve everything and everyone (whether they need it or not!). Although you often have altruistic motives in helping others, you do have a teensy tendency to act the martyr when your offerings are ignored. It is not unheard of for you to use guilt as a weapon. Helping others to improve is one thing, my dear, but pushing them toward goals of perfection they cannot hope to accomplish is quite destructive, as well as impossible.

Your luck helps you powerfully and by little labour you manage to achieve your worldly targets and enjoy an affluent life. By your intellectual brilliance you are able to crack even the hardest nut or problem. If in govt job you generally contribute in administration line where you earn many laurels for your excellence. Disappointment, however, can harden you into a cynic and a skeptic. Virgo consequently becomes quite critical with self as well as circumstances, due to the effect of such disappointments on a sensitive and discriminating nature.

You have a deep rooted reverence for your parents whom you would serve lovingly. Your childhood is mostly full of struggle but later on you lead a happy and comfortable life.

Virgo, you may be shy, introverted, and self-conscious on the surface, but when love comes your way, you relax and blossom! Virgos find it hard to express love; they have a thoughtful approach and always look before they leap. You are unusual, perceptive, and you are capable of creating strength in your partner. You can love with all your heart. And when you do so, you find that life can indeed be beautiful. We give below how you relate to other signs and your compatibility with other signs.

How you relate to other signs:

Virgo, your best zodiac signs are: Taurus, Cancer Scorpio and Capricorn. You are not harmonious with Sagittarius and Gemini. You are neutral in relation to Leo, Libra, Aquarius and Aries. Your sign is attracted to Pisces, but many of your qualities and characteristics are in opposition.

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Our Predictions

Virgo, your best zodiac matches are: Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer

(March 21-April 19 )
(April 20-May 20)
(May 21- June 21)
(June 22-July 22)
(July 23-August 22)
(August 23-November 22)
(November 23-November 22)
(November 23-November 21)
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Capricorn
(December 22- January 19)
(January 20-February 18)
(February 19-March 20)


March 21 - April 19

Virgo and Aries: an earth and fire sign together. Fire is volatile and impetuous. Whereas earth is practical, stable and self-controlled Aries run on pure emotional instinct and charges full speed ahead. Virgos run on brainpower and tend to skip emotion and feeling. If their moon and rising signs are not compatible, a love match here would be a stretch. There is a great contrast of temperaments here. The straightforwardness of Aries is unadorned, unlike the complex intellectual and deductive mind of Virgo. Both of you have similar ideals but present your views and live your principles in a vastly different manner. While Virgo are the lovers of finer details and give keen attention to the process, Aries are not bothered with the method but angle their focus more onto the results. Emotional natures differ so much; a good mental affinity is vital. Make the effort to really sit down and communicate your feelings and ideas since you are both poles apart in your basic natures. This is also the case sexually. Virgo seems too prim and proper for your raw and primitive energy. Don’t be too quick to jump to conclusions, especially in matters of love. The duo can have a healthy relationship if they both realize each other’s good points rather than focusing on their shortcomings.


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April 20 - May 20

Virgo and Taurus: two earth signs together. These two have a lot in common and tend to fall easily under each other's spell. Earth with earth means that you can see eye to eye in many ways and you both are practical, realistic, capable and thorough. However, your emotional natures are really very dissimilar. Taurus, being deeply emotional and possessive can sometimes smother Virgo whose feelings are more under control. Here is a combination that is elementally perfect, astrologically. Taurus and Virgo can complement each other on many levels. For a start, the combination of two earth signs solidifies the practical nature of your relationship and this means that you are aware and accommodating of Taurus’ need for financial independence and material security. Your goals will have much in common because you both desire material success and security .Taurus must be prepared for your fastidious and perfection-driven approach Taurus can relax your high-strung nature and bring your lifestyles in line with each other. Strong spiritual inclinations and divine wisdom that you both possess can bring a quality of richness and abundance to this relationship. Neither becomes angry very easily and the bull and the virgin live in peaceful tranquility. If their moon and rising sign are compatible, this relationship is perfect.


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May 21 - June 21

Gemini and Virgo: an earth and air sign together. Although air has little affinity with earth, mercury rules both signs and this can be a stimulating catalyst. Both share a sharp intellect, sense of humor, and tongue. Not all of these fare well in this relationship. Since both of them are unemotional beings, they will enjoy a great time in each other’s company. They follow a practical approach towards social, mental and business matters, and believe in realism. Both need and like to talk. There are some intrinsic differences between Virgo and Gemini, notwithstanding their common ruler ship of Mercury. First and foremost, while the Virgo concentrates one thing at a time and is not at all a risk taker, Gemini always has 100 different ideas going inside his head and would involve himself in a lot of things; even risky ventures. Virgo will not always go along with Gemini’s multitude of plans or scatterbrained ideas. Neither is over-emotional, so common ground will include practical, social, mental or business interests. Realistic and systematic. Mercury blesses this pair on all levels of communication and this takes the relationship to great levels of friendship and camaraderie. They can also be good business partners. If their moon and rising signs are compatible, this is a great and stable relationship.


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June 22 - July 22

Virgo and Cancer: an earth and water sign together. This is a rich and fertile combination of two feminine zodiac signs ruled by Mercury and the Moon respectively. A Virgo and Cancer combination can produce wonderfully imaginative results on all levels. Water, which is compatible with earth, enhances the merits of this combination. Cancer proves to be sincere, loyal and conscientious so will appreciate the qualities of Virgo, which are care, attention to detail and thoroughness. Cancer is hypersensitive and easily hurt, so Virgo should curb the tendency to criticize when it comes down to expressing feelings of love or affection. The sensitive Moon of Cancer and your intellectually brilliant ruler, Mercury, combine in a most wonderful play of celestial forces. Great friendship and understanding result from your meeting, but at times you’ll have difficulty understanding the Cancerian sensitivity and emotional mood swings .Virgos have a way of making the emotional Cancer feel warm, fuzzy, safe and secure (the way they felt in the watery womb). This is all the Cancer ever wanted. Virgo can thrive in this relationship. If their moon and rising signs are compatible, this is a very secure relationship and a love connection.


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July 23 - August 22

Virgo and Leo: an earth and fire sign together. There are dangers in this combination; however they can be overcome. In coming together with Leo you’ll have an early realization that their boldness and strong ego may steamroll your modest and prudent mind. Leo is strongly required to be sensitive to you by not going beyond certain bounds of power and control. Fiery Leo is extroverted and likes to dominate. Earthy Virgo is modest, retiring and more inclined to be subservient. The success or failure of this combination depends on which sign is male and which is female. Leo’s ardent emotions can overwhelm self-controlled Virgo but the latter seldom actually shows it. It is a good idea for both to truly understand and appreciate each other’s natures and inherent qualities to make this a successful relationship. Your key focus is on the service and excellence of your professional and general duties. Leo isn’t concerned so much with the detail as with being first, wielding power and winning accolades in the “game”. They like to dominate a situation rather than remain invisible. We like to think instead that the differences these two faces can be made to complement each other. The lion is a bit high-strung and the practical Virgo has a talent for grounding him. Leo can have a positive effect, getting the over-analytical Virgo to cut loose and have some fun. They both admire each other's intelligence, stability, sincerity and devotion. If their moon or rising sign are not compatible, this relationship will be difficult.


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August 23 - Nov 22

Virgo and Virgo: two earth signs together. Earth is compatible with earth but it does not double up on practical, down-to-earth, realistic qualities of your sign. Because of this-and the fact than each likes to have an organized routine-it is easy to fall into a rut. Neither will make impossible emotional demands on the other but each should avoid nagging or finding fault. Because each of you has an eye for detail and can be very skilled and exacting when you put your mind to it, you have the potential to work together very well in any area that requires extreme care and attention. There is the problem, however, that your combined perfectionism may make both of you dissatisfied with anything that you attempt. On the journey to your goals don’t be too critical of each other, raising the standards to such a high level that neither of you can achieve them. You both do great work in your combined partnership when focused, though. Wholly and solely focus on enjoying the work at hand, as well as executing skilful action and this will bring satisfaction to both of you in the long run. Notwithstanding these exacting demands on each other, you do have a lot in common in that you enjoy a clean and orderly environment and wish to pursue your individual and joint goals. There will always be a need to bring passion and unorganized adventure into this relationship to make it really romantic and fiery. Virgins together will tend to measure and monitor everything about the other. On the other hand they will be familiar with the process, as they do it themselves. Do we always like looking into the mirror? Probably not, especially not under harsh lights. These two worry warts could make a life together, but it could be a bit on the solemn side.


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Nov 23 - Nov 22

Virgo and Libra: an earth and air sign together. The marked contrast between earth and air is not quite so apparent in this combination because your respective rulers. Mercury and Venus, the planets of mind and emotion, complement each other. Libra aims to achieve balance and Libras are pleasant, enticing, intelligent, and stimulating. Most signs find them very attractive and agreeable. This is a wonderful combination and complements each other perfectly. The social and outgoing Libra balances Virgo temperament. The wonderful thing about Libra is the absorptive quality they possess in handling any of the criticisms. Libra is gentle and Virgo is analytical. The combination could prove to be ultimate benefit. With Libra you set the pace and call the signals, even though Libra may be completely unaware of it. Libra can fall in love with you, although it is you who initially make the pass, takes over, is aggressive, and breaks the ice. Though not without complication, the relationship is generally favorable Virgo is much more exacting and demanding in all areas of life. At worst, Virgo can view Libra as wishy-washy, and Libra can view Virgo as prim and intolerant, but hopefully your appreciation of each other is much better than this! At best, your different natures can complement each other without annoying each other.


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Nov 23 - Nov 21

Virgo and Scorpio: an earth and water sign together. Earth and water are the prerequisite elements for the growth of plants. Generally there’s a good connection between these two signs, as Virgo falls in the eleventh sector of friendship and lifelong fulfillment for Scorpio, and Scorpio falls in the third sector of communication for Virgo. A deeper appreciation of each other’s motives will help enormously in resolving any differences you may have. In practical or intellectual areas, this combination of earth with water will work well. But emotionally these two signs are worlds apart. Scorpio has intense feelings, burning desires and is often at the mercy of his or her own emotions whereas Virgo believes in controlling them. Scorpio is demanding, so will appreciate Virgo’s reliable, conscientious qualities. Both will have to be aware of the others emotional needs and tendencies to make a go of this match. The fact Virgo criticizes everything and always gives advice, does not fare well with Scorpio. Scorpios are vulnerable and ultra-sensitive to any kind of nagging, scolding or criticizing. They despise being analyzed or categorized. Can we see the potential for explosiveness here? These two will respect and admire each other from afar, but they are not of one mind in affairs of the heart.


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Nov 22 - Dec 21

Virgo and Scorpio: an earth and water sign together. Earth and water are the prerequisite elements for the growth of plants. Generally there’s a good connection between these two signs, as Virgo falls in the eleventh sector of friendship and lifelong fulfillment for Scorpio, and Scorpio falls in the third sector of communication for Virgo. A deeper appreciation of each other’s motives will help enormously in resolving any differences you may have. In practical or intellectual areas, this combination of earth with water will work well. But emotionally these two signs are worlds apart. Scorpio has intense feelings, burning desires and is often at the mercy of his or her own emotions whereas Virgo believes in controlling them. Scorpio is demanding, so will appreciate Virgo’s reliable, conscientious qualities. Both will have to be aware of the others emotional needs and tendencies to make a go of this match. The fact Virgo criticizes everything and always gives advice, does not fare well with Scorpio. Scorpios are vulnerable and ultra-sensitive to any kind of nagging, scolding or criticizing. They despise being analyzed or categorized. Can we see the potential for explosiveness here? These two will respect and admire each other from afar, but they are not of one mind in affairs of the heart.


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Dec 22- Jan 19

Virgo and Capricorn: two earth signs together. These signs belong to the element earth, so you both have your feet on the ground and appreciate the practical side of life and work. These two prove to be very agreeable in matters of the heart. There is often a strong bond right from the beginning. Both are conscientious, with a strong sense of duty and responsibility, but you should avoid a pattern of all work and no play. Your rulers- intellectual mercury and wise, self-disciplined Saturn-are well matched for business and practical matters but there could be a lack of feeling, warm emotions and romantic sparkle. Though you both essentially have a thoroughly economical and pragmatic view of the world, your ruler ship by Mercury will draw out the more sullen Saturn-ruled Capricorn and make them feel refreshed, youthful and responsive to you. Mercury will bring out the more mischievous and pleasurable side of the usually cold and ambitious Capricorn. Virgo admires Capricorn's strong and stable ways. Capricorn is not as sensitive to Virgo's picking and temporary funks. Capricorn. This is not to say both of you can’t work towards a material goal, but in your company Capricorn will feel more enlivened, more joyful and prepared to let go of the walls and protective mechanisms that are often a part of their conventional nature. This in itself is what could bring out the more sensitive and loving aspects of Capricorn, though always against the background of a desire to provide you security and long-term comfort.


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Jan 20 - Feb 18

Virgo and Aquarius: an earth and air sign together. Earth with air highlights the contrast between these two signs. Virgo is sensible, rational, analytical and sometimes cool while Aquarius can be dispassionate, detached, uninvolved. Virgo is careful, self controlled and orthodox but Aquarius can be unpredictable, temperamental and unconventional at times. Virgo’s logical mind cannot begin to decipher the enigma that is Aquarius. If ever a sign were going to challenge and baffle the observant Virgo, Aquarius would certainly be it. There is an unusually strange compatibility between them and this may not be immediately recognizable. At first glance these two seem mismatched. Virgo always has everything organized and neatly planned. Then there is Aquarius who floats around dreamily and rarely deals with details of this world. How can it work? These two often are great friends and stay that way. Between the two there could be some idealistic tie-in in which both serve each other by bringing their distinctly different skill sets together, amalgamating them for some greater cause. If their moon and rising sign are compatible this relationship has hope! Otherwise the virgin seems to be too stable and organized for the water-bearer.


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Feb 19 - March 20

Virgo and Pisces: an earth and water sign together. They are in opposition on the astrological wheel but they attract each other. Now this may sound like a relationship of the "opposites attract" variety at first glance. Earth has an affinity with water and these opposite signs in the zodiac can complement each other.
The anomaly in a union between Virgo and Pisces is that both signs are opposite and usually indicate strong, marital inclinations. At the same time, you have such different approaches in terms of your personalities that it is quite surprising you would be attracted in the first place! But attracted you are and this is possibly due to the intuitive nature of Pisces, which is just what you need to bring out your less rational and emotional nature You see things through different eyes. Each always will be a bit of a mystery to the other. Virgo is motivated by reason, analysis, facts and logic. Pisces is guided by feelings, emotions, intuition and that strange ability to sense what is what. Virgo brings method to Pisces madness. Romantic, imaginative Pisces can add a touch of intangible magic to Virgo’s life. Celebrate this relationship. Pisces loves the way Virgos have everything so organized, tidy and properly filed away. Virgos will greatly benefit from hanging around the gentle, easy-going fish as they do tend to be uptight. This could be an enchanting and solid relationship.


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