Astrology is a boon. It's use has given the mankind an opportunity to change the course of his/her life events. Remedies can help in avoiding misery, agony and hardships caused by evil/malefic influences of certain inauspicious combinations of planets.

Astro Pooja Gems Rudraksha
Astro-Remedies means finding solution of problems related to an individual's Health, Wealth, Career, Marriage, Love-life, Admission and a whole lot of issues based on the principles of Vedic astrology.
Vedic astrology can fore-warn difficulties ahead and enable them to take appropriate remedial steps to overcome and minimize evil effects.A person's birth horoscope clearly tells what's in store, the golden or the worst period and what planet is effecting which aspect of the life.
Our ancient saints and seers developed the concept of remedial measures to mitigate and nullify these effects. They developed remedies through Gem Stones, Mantras, Japs, Homas, (Havan) Poojas, Donations, Yantras, Rudrakshas, and Amulets, etc to deflect these evil effects. provides you with the ancient Astrological remedies and solutions in a scientific manner to offset malefic effects. These problems are outlined in the form of planetary afflictions.
Astrological remedy depends upon planetary positions, and these can be provided through recitation of Mantra, Jap, Tap, worshiping of Yantra, wearing Gems, Rudrakasha, Fasting and a whole of other efforts. The Vedic astrology provides relief to all through simple principles and practices.
We suggest the relevant vedic astrological remedies as per your horoscope and request you not to wear any Gem, Rudraksha, Yantra or recite any mantra and worship in a particular style without going through your own birth chart.
What you should do when at what time and when is most important in life.
Click Here to know your remedies
Here Goes our List of remedies to be done as per your horoscope