Monthly Horoscope for February 2024

Attention: Kindly note that these are general and broad predictions based on planetary movements and placement of stars in houses applicable to millions of persons across the world having the same sun sign. For precise predictions for individuals, your precise time, date and place of birth is needed. We will make your horoscope and conduct detailed analysis. Contact us to know your future in 2022

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(March 21-April 19 )
(April 20-May 20)
(May 21- June 21)
(June 22-July 22)
(July 23-August 22)
(August 23-Sept 22)
(September 23-October 22)
(October 23-November 21)
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Capricorn
(December 22- January 19)
(January 20-February 18)
(February 19-March 20)


March 21 - April 19


1st to 7th February: This month shall start in a grand manner for you. You will be able to extract maximum benefits of your skills. Between 1st & 3rd, you will work in the normal pace. Good health and cool mind will make you relieved and satisfied.  Between 4th & 5th A positive attitude and enough space in the relationship will yield the desired results. Individuals who are into long-distance relationships should concentrate on making things better. However, the period between 6th & 8th may prove rather trying. You’ll remain very busy. Expenses may mount with the opponents trying to outwit you.  Avoid unnecessary argumentation and risky investments.  

8th to 15th February: you may face problems finishing off any important tasks between 8th and 10th of this month. You will feel much disturbed. Positive thinking may take you much ahead.   Between 11th & 13th you’ll try to infuse your creativity in your work.  Help from your confidants is expected but you’ll have to work hard.  Between 14th & 15th Relief will be felt in monetary transactions. Being in touch with your partner will keep your relationship healthy and strong. It’s better to bring some humour along with surprise to amuse your loved one.

16th to 23rd February:  Between 16th & 18th students will get good results. You are feeling very excited and are all geared up to do what you want. Put all that energy to productive use.   Between 19th & 21st your reputation shall grow and your efficiency will be lauded. You will be in a mood to exercise your power of positive thinking. Your optimism and motivation will be phenomenal. There will be an aura of well being and prosperity around you. Between 22nd & 23rd there would be more expenditure rather than gains. Hence you need to plan things in advance.

 24th to 29th February:  Between 24th & 25th you’ll try to improve your business prospects but paucity of time will hurdle your endeavour.  Between 26th &27th you may remain busy in social commitments but feel relaxed and satisfied. Between 28th &29th you will turn an attentive ear to your inner voice. As a result, you will able to execute all your plans with precision. Besides being cheerful, you will even take disappointments with a pinch of salt.



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April 20 - May 20

1st to 7th February-Between 1st and 3rd if you will take care of your own work and repose full faith on almighty then you will  be able to solve your problem.  Between 4th & 5th Nubile candidates of the house may get marriage proposals. Some of them getting desired match will also lighten the burden from your heart.  Between 6th & 7th seniors of the family will shower their blessings. You’ll find avid interest in religious practices. You’ll also help others in solving their problems.

8th to 15th February:  Between 8th & 10th the time is not favorable. Tension may develop   due to some compulsion at office. Avoid useless argumentation. Between 11th & 12th you’ll discharge your personal and professional duties efficiently to win accolades from seniors and colleagues. Reasonable expectations and realistic compromise are the secret of success.  Between 13th & 15th the competitive streak in you might relent as you look for a lifestyle that is more relaxed and laid-back. The rat race is tiring and you will feel the urge to get away, far from the maddening crowd and the never-ending routine.

16th to 23rd February:  Between 16th & 18th you need to be emotional with your sweetheart as being practical with your spouse may cause some disturbances. However, being emotional does not mean being sensitive or ego-centric. Providing emotional support will keep your sweetheart happy. Between 19th & 21st you’ll remain the centre of attraction for all gatherings. Your capacity to take quick decisions will also add to your competence. Your straight forward approach will please people tremendously. Between 22nd & 23rd Unexpected expenses, that could totally upset your budget, cannot be ruled out. Something or the other is likely to give you an uncomfortable stomach upset.

24th to 29th February:  Between 24th & 25th Feeling energetic you’ll work a lot. The students will do very well in their studies. It is ideal time even for you to indulge in research work or higher studies. All your children related worries will be duly removed. Between 26th & 27th don’t over exert for material gain, no matter how necessary it may appear. Chances of incurring losses are there.  Between 28th &29th so be careful.  Don’t try to be over-enthusiastic in other’s affair, lest you suffer eventually.

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May 21 - June 21

1st to 7th February: Between 1st and 2nd this is a period that is good for minor adventures, not for taking major risks. Watch your tongue and measure your words carefully.  Between 3rd. and 5th February some mistake may prove costly. You’ll have to work hard with utter seriousness. Much running around may be necessary, yet result won’t be good. Between 6th and 7th your health may not be good. Devotion, spiritual activities will regulate your emotions and subdue the tensions. Artists will get a golden opportunity to exhibit their talents.  

8th to 15th February:  Between 8th & 10th you will be helped and benefitted by those on power and authority. Dynamic plans will help you to steal a march over your rivals with ease.  Between 10th and 12th you have to carefully guard your health. Physical strain and mental stress will have negative impact on your health. Between 13th and 15th Intuition will prove to be more reliable guide than logical reasoning; go with the flow of inner thoughts to get the best outcome. Avoid any indulgence in lottery, speculation and gambling.

16th to 23rd February: Between 16th and 18th a minor dispute may arise with your partner. Try to nip it in the budding stage to avoid its assuming alarming proportions.  Between 19th and 21st you may incur some loss. Take care of your prized possessions. Avoid having unrealistic and unreasonable expectations.  Between 21st and 23rd Good news will be received.  Some long lasting worry may eventually vanish with its cause removed. You will find yourself full of verse and vitality.  


24th to 28th February:  Between 24th & 25th you be required to stay patient and deal with every adversity with utter patience. Keeping a check on your temper will prove vital for the well-being of your relationship. People in the workplace will like your approach if you remain honest and less judgmental. Between 26th and 28th Peace of mind may elude you. Perhaps you are disappointed with team efforts, and what you achieve may fail to bring you satisfaction.


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June 22 - July 22

1st to 7th February: Between 1st and 3rd the benign Moon, sign lord, will help you realize your ambitions with all hurdles in money realization getting removed one by one. Between 4th and 5th you will need to judge your own abilities to determine whether you should proceed in the path that you have been following for so long.  Between 6th and 7th you could be drawn in some controversy.  Some decisions are hard to take, but a firm resolve will help you stay committed. Sentimentality may shake your purpose, but once decided, you must stick to it.

8th to 15th February:  Between 8th & 10th other people are harder to deal with, but you can manage if you push yourself. Be wary of their motives, though -- you never know when someone is going to back away quickly. Between 10th and 12th conditions will become favorable professionally. You must stay alert as you might be misled.  Avoid being egoistic and arrogant if you want to seek your welfare.  Between 13th and 15th some big responsibility may be given to you. You would be well appreciated if you give some degree of credit to all those who have put in effort. Be attentive about your duties and do not take chances.

16th to 23rd February:   Between 16th and 18th you may feel restless and jittery. You have been burning the candle at both ends and now it will begin to take inevitable toll on your health. Between 19th and 20th you’ll act according to your capabilities, though you may confront a number of challenges. In the period between 21st to 23rd you’ll appreciate others’ sentiments and shall make efforts to get the right way of progress. You will have a very sociable temperament to have good time with others.  

24th to 28th February:  Between 24th & 25th your sense of belonging is leading you to try new things at an almost alarming rate -- but you're not thinking about it all too much. It may be a good time to take risks you've been pondering. Between 26th and 28th a powerful moon will impact matters like creative projects, romance and children. For the single ones, they may meet or start dating their partners right now.



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July 23 - August 22

1st to 7th February: Between 1st and 3rd you’ll work with total concentration and honesty, aiming at your target only. You may try to complete some creative projects and that can be very elaborate. Your rising supremacy will help you work more conveniently. Between 4th and 5th Your PR circle will also widen. Legal matter will be favourably decided. It is about time you worked hard, since results will be even better than expected to make you feel delighted.  Between 6th and 7th Problems will keep on surfacing so be careful. Your own short temper and acerbic tongue may add to your worries.  Be cool and collected if you want solace.

8th to 15th February: between 8th and 10th If you’re feeling scattered, it’s because you are avoiding your own emotions. It may be difficult to slow down enough to get to the bottom of what’s happening within you, but that’s exactly what you need to do. Between 11th and 12th new contacts may prove quite rewarding. If nubile, marriage proposal will be received.  Between 13th and 15th you will reflect on the problems at the work-place as well as on the home-front. You will try to understand the emotions that lie behind the troubles brewing at home and will try to resolve them.

16th to 23rd February: Between 16th and 18th a bonus for the studious students is assured.  Be quality conscious rather than quantity conscious in all that you do now.  Those who are aspiring for abroad studies might proceed positively further. Between 19th and 21st financially a dull period, due to adverse planetary positions. Things may not be what they appear to be; avoid taking unnecessary risks during this sensitive period. Between 22nd to 23rd Relationships with colleagues can be an important factor. They will have some demands which you may find it difficult to fulfill.  Avoid office politics and gossiping. Your health also will need more care

24th to 28th February:  Between 24th & 25th Fortune will favour you, though your emotions may cloud your reasoning and slow down your progress. Your spare time will be spent on devising methods to make the best use of your knowledge.  Between 26th and 28th you need to put aside the negative thoughts or they may create problems in personal and family life. If you handle things with care, there is nothing to be afraid of. You are likely to get emotional support from your sweetheart.

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August 23 - Sept 22

1st to 7th February:

Between 1st and 3rd amidst misunderstandings and fights, your mental well-being may be affected adversely. It would be best to avoid such stressful situations. Between 4th and 5th your social or community engagements may exhaust you. Health of senior family members may deteriorate a bit.  Between 6th and 7th you should take very good care of health and not confront with anyone as your energy levels are not up to the mark. Emotions, not acidity, will be the cause of your uneasiness. Something important is going on in your life and you are nervous.

8th to 15th February:  Between 8th & 10th you will reap benefits from past investments. You’ll take policy based discussions in your business. Have back up plans, to insure against the possibility that your original plans may backfire. Between 11th and 13th Perhaps you are disappointed with team efforts, and what you achieve may fail to bring you satisfaction. Keep working positively while you never lose your touch with reality.  Between 14th and15th you have been working very hard and your vision may be just a bit blurred. Do not look for solutions from external sources, instead look within and find the courage to hold on to your self- esteem and confidence.

16th to 23rd February: between 16th and 18th Attend to the emotional needs of your beloved and your own needs will be satisfied.  Expect a relief in long term litigation matters to be ruled in your favour.  Between 19th and 20th Expenses may go haywire if you are not careful. Cashing in dividends from various small investment sources will help to refill the depleting coffers. Between 21nd and 23rd Life may offer new avenues that look promising and interesting. You have the blessings of the stars.

24th to 29th February:  Between 24th & 25th you will be loaded   with additional responsibilities. People you are financially dependent upon may go completely on different routes than yours. Between 26th and 28th your existing relationships may need a change. It can be personal or professional relationships. New beginnings are also expected. if you find minor hitches, take them with a pinch of salt, such things happen in life. You need not depreciate yourself for them. Your self-esteem is very important.



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Sept 23 - Oct 22

1st to 7th February: between1st and 3rd you will have a very trying time. Gear up for some grinding and be an unbearable match to your opponents. Give your best shot but avoid clashes. You must tackle family issues from psychological angles.  Between 4th and 5th you may feel physically tired and burdened with responsibilities. If domestic life seems too much of a burden at this point of time, remember this is a very regular syndrome for people who are always on the move.

Between 6th and 7th you may be presented with plenty of misinformation.  It is better to rely on your own judgment and reasoning rather than listening to and being influenced by others. Try to find the truth at your own pace in your own way and you are likely to arrive at the best decision.

8th to 15th February:  Between 8th & 10th   you will enjoy success in your education related endeavors. Old debt will be eventually realized. You’ll meet all your financial commitment squarely. However, work with a cool mind between 11th and 12th, else your anger may ruin all your schemes.  People may exploit you emotionally at this time.  So bend as much as to cause no personal damage.  Between 13th and 15th a rare job opportunity is going to knock on your door.  The idea may sound somewhat risky and novel to you, but if you act on it, you can give a new turn to your career. The time is right to take risks rather than sticking to the safe and narrow path.  

16th to 23rd February:  Between 16th and 18th your creatively will be peaking and you’ll be able to draw people towards you.  You will be strongly motivated to improve inflow of income and downplay the outflow. This is very fortunate and recommended in this period. If you are in the artistic field, you will enjoy a satisfying day. Your focus will be steadfast and you will be successful in deciding on a strategic policy.  Between 19th and 21st you may feel jittery and irritated. You would like to solve the present problem primarily as it has deep connections with future and your cash flow. Consult some expert before preparing a document. The dates 22nd and 23rd are good for studies, research, writing etc., because you’ll be able to concentrate well.  Socially you will remain much occupied.

24th to 28th February:  Between 24th and 25th you will get some good news about your progeny. A good advice from a well wisher may help your progress.  Between 26th and 28th Peace of mind may elude you. Desire for materialistic gain is dominating your mind. Perhaps you are disappointed with team efforts, and what you achieve may fail to bring you satisfaction. Keep working positively while you never lose your touch with reality. You have the time and energy to think about all your different options, so you don’t have to rush.

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Oct 23 - Nov 21

1st to 7th February: Between 1st and 3rd Attend to the emotional needs of your beloved and your own needs will be satisfied. You might get impatient and try to achieve your goal single-handed. Relax; you need teamwork to finish whatever is pending.Between 4th and 5th you may suffer much pain and agony. Be guarded about your health.  You must care for whatever you eat or drink during this period.  Between 6th and 7th you have been working very hard and your vision may be just a bit blurred. Do not look for solutions from external sources, instead look within and find the courage to hold on to your self- esteem and confidence.

8th to 15th February:  Between 8th and 10th you'll be the butt of a scathing criticism. This is a good time to begin new fitness routines and for taking efforts to shake yourself free of undesirable dependencies. Between 11th and 12th you may be able to secure a good job, thanks to your witty attitude and intellectual skills. You may be eager to learn and acquire more skills and apply them in your studies. You may have a sense of passion and zeal for preparing entrance exams and clear it with desired results. Between 13th and 15th Social activities will make you satisfied. Occult sciences and spiritual matter would appear interesting.  Meditate on your family deity.  


16th to 23rd February:  Between 16th and 18th you will be inclined to take up too many things at one time, more than you can handle. This may, in turn, get you stressed and uptight. You are advised to be practical and not to overdo things. Between 19th and 21st Financial problems may continue to crop up but you’ll manage to solve them. You’ll find an easy way out to tide over your problems. Friend’s advice and help will support you much. Between 22nd and 23rd you’ll devote more time in social activities. You will enjoy the full support and understanding of your near and dear ones.

24th to 28th February:  Between 24th and 25th you’ll devote more attention to your family members and their needs.  May get much relief from a problem related to your progeny.  Between 26th and 28th search for an opportunity in which you can be your own person instead of having to stick yourself into someone else’s box. If you act with patience, you’ll get its due reward. While things maybe tough at work, you will get support and appreciation from seniors. 

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Nov 22 - Dec 21

1st to 7th February: Between 1st and 2nd you’ll pass time in the company of your family seniors and children to enjoy their affectionate and blissful company. You should be assured of a much smoother ride in personal relationships now. Between 3rd and 4th Elderly family member’s full cooperation will add to your confidence. New contacts will be established for familial and official work. Singles will love their freedom over long term relationship.  Between 6th and 7th you may be eligible for a high post promotion. You will easily overpower competition at work through your smart and innovative approach to work. However, be careful and stay clear of controversies as you may be a victim of politics.   


8th to 15th February: Between 8th to 10th be careful with your finances. You need to take a cold look at the small expenses which could otherwise accumulate to rather large proportions. You need to limit your spending if you want to avoid serious money trouble in the future.  Between 10th and 11th old disputes will be settled to lighten your mood. You will be successful in smoothing over differences; by using your diplomatic skills among family members. In literary or arts field you could be awarded.  Between 12th & 13th you’ll feel happy as things will move in their expected course. In career you may achieve a significant recognition. This is a good time to work for charity needs.  Between 14th and 15th singles will encounter someone special, giving them immense happiness. You may participate in some noble and philanthropic work.

16th to 23rd February: Between 16th and 18th you will find lady luck is on your side and therefore, you will see positive developments shaping up for you. Your creative side is at its best this so you will feel empowered and enthused. You will enjoy doing arts as much as your academics. Rewards and recognition will come your way too. Between 19th and 20th you will be disturbed so try meditation to restore your mental peace. Eat well and maintain a good, healthy diet. You may feel aggressive and there are chances of a disease setting in. Between 21st and 23rd you are multitasking and that make you scattered. Its best you plan for a vacation and take a break from your hectic life. Be careful while driving or while using any tools as you may injure yourself.   

24th to 28th February: between 24th and 25th for those who are interested in a specific subject and gaining an in-depth knowledge about the same, this is the right time to take it up. The graduating and post graduating students will achieve good progress in academics. Between 26th and 28th some domestic problem may appear. There can be discussions related to ancestral properties and relocation plans. This is actually a little complex time for your family matters. There will be a lot of communication with siblings.


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Dec 22- Jan 19

1st to 7th February: between 1st and 3rd take care about your health. You may have to   go to a hospital. Your positive attitude and strong immune system will keep you in good spirits. Between 4th and 5th you have to spearhead your latest idea if you want to see it happen -- things are sure to get complicated quickly, and your initiative is the only thing driving your plans right now. You can do it! Between 6th and 7th if you are a student pursuing higher studies, good opportunities will come your way. Stay focused and determined. Work harder and everything will fall in place.

8th to 15th February:  Between 8th & 10th is a very important time for your personal life.  Don’t forget your health and well-being. Feeling of restlessness and internal chaos will be there. Find peace by doing what you love the most. Intimate relations and love will bring you happiness.  Between 11th and 12th you will put your heart and soul into whatever task you take up. But the results may not be too forthcoming. However, that should not be a reason for you to get dejected or anxious. You will get your due sooner or later. Between 13th and 15th Feb Love life is hassle free. You are likely to pour your emotions for your beloved. You will respect and admire your soul mate more than yourself.  Quality time will be spent at home and romance will be strong.

16th to 23rd February:  Between 16th and 18th you will remain in a deep confusion owing to multiple works in hand. Tensions at work place could escalate, as tact and diplomacy will be in short supply; so tread carefully. During this phase be guarded against your enemies and the stranger. Between 19th and 21st you’ll have your comfort level enhanced.  At office or at home your intelligence will be praised. Between 22nd and 23rd attempts to cut corners and skip mandatory procedures can get you in trouble later. Haste makes waste, more so now.  

24th to 28 February:  Between 24th and 25th Avoid high expectations on the career front as this is not a good phase for you. Stay patient and work hard. Consult your seniors but avoid any conflicts. Not a good time to switch job. Between 26th and 28th take care of your health. Take good care of personal hygiene and attend to any infections immediately. The students will have quite a good time. Avoid activities that keep you away from your academic goals. Plan and study more.

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Jan 20 - Feb 18

1st to 7th February – Between 1st and 3rd time is not favorable. Poor health needing regular medical checkup is the possibility. You may be dragged into some problem. Between 4th and 5th even if your grievances are genuine, you should express them tactfully so as to not trigger an overly defensive/ negative reaction from others. Between 6th and 7th present time could prove to be profoundly positive one for you and all who are fortunate enough to be associated with you.  Lead by example, though, rather than expecting people to obey your instructions.

8th to 15th February –Between 8th and 10th, the phase is quiet peaceful. New contacts will give you professional gains. You may get a good occasion to prove your abilities. Between 11th and 12th Professionals may get a better designation and remuneration, portend the stars. As a business person, you may now explore new territories - to boost sales, or may launch a new product. A game-changer of sorts may be expected here. The progress will be slow but steady.

Between 13th and 15th your virility goes down. So take care of your health. Sleep disorders, fevers or stomach issues will keep you troubled.

16th to 23rd February – Between 16th and 18th socially you’ll be honoured and praised. A chance of promotion is if in service and the prized posting as well.  Between 19th and 21st your   routine will be disturbed with many unexpected chores emerging. You’ll feel cornered by difficulties. The period between 22nd and 23rd be careful about where and how you spend your money. Someone will be too eager to help you spend on the wrong things. Check your conversations to avoid controversy. Avoid speculation. Disharmony with the surroundings is foreseen.

24th to 28th February – Between 24th and 25th you will be able to impress people with your extraordinary abilities. You will express your intention to study and go in for higher studies. This decision will help you understand which career field is best suited for you. Between 26th and 28th the period will be full of money earning possibilities. Sudden gain will keep you delighted. Your experience during this period will add greatly to your knowledge.

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Feb 19 - March 20

1st to 7th February –Between 1st and 3rd take care of your senior family member’s health as they may need your attention. There can be misunderstanding and disagreement within the family.  Your responsibilities may rise which you may fail to discharge efficiently. Between 4th and 5th you may be lacking the energy to shoulder responsibilities at the office. You will be thinking deeply about issues related to your life. You should not let your thinking affect your work. Between 6th and 7th you’ll provide economic and emotional support to your family members, showing your clear head and ability to solve your problems. You’ll work after assessing your abilities so that you get results in future.

8th to 15th February –   Between 8th and 11th Opportunities will come your way, but they will be slow to arrive. Keep working hard and do not minimize on your efforts. Between 12th and 13th you may face health problem. Eye and skin trouble may cause concern. Also check your expenses or you’ll soon deplete your coffers.  On 14h and 15th you will find an easy way out of the problem regarding children’s education. A little hard work and dedication will help you solve it.

16th to 23rd February –Between 16th and 18th if being humanitarian needed a definite physical form, you are most likely to be nominated. Devise strategies to achieve more productivity.  Between 19th and 21st if in service, your allowances and salary may receive a hike.  Seniors will bless you a lot.  Between 22nd and 23rd you may lose some of your prized possession. You’ll have to work with great caution during this period. You’ll get full cooperation from your associates.

24th to 28th February – Between 24th and 25th using your prudence and tact you’ll mange to serve your ends. With many of the mental worries removed, you’ll be devoted do your work.  You’ll do justice to your domestic and professional duties.  Between 26th and 27th you’ll use more of your head than heart to take your decisions. Working with liberal and flexible attitude you’ll add to your honour and stature.  Desired results of the past action may delight you.


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