Monthly Forecast for June 2023

     Attention: Kindly note that these are general and broad predictions based on planetary movements and placement of stars in houses applicable to millions of persons across the world having the same sun sign. For precise predictions for individuals, your precise time, date and place of birth is needed. We will make your horoscope and conduct detailed analysis. Contact us to know your future in 2020

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Our Predictions


(March 21-April 19 )
(April 20-May 20)
(May 21- June 21)
(June 22-July 22)
(July 23-August 22)
(August 23-Sept 22)
(September 23-October 22)
(October 23-November 21)
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Capricorn
(December 22- January 19)
(January 20-February 18)
(February 19-March 20)


March 21 - April 19

1st to 8th June


Between 1st & 3rd period will give unexpected challenges to the students. There can be some challenges for those who are pursuing higher studies. Between 4th & 5th you should be attentive to your work and relationships. This is because stars predict that you may face stress and challenges if you are not attentive and alert.  Between 6th and 7th focus on your physical & mental health. You should avoid doing heavy exercises without proper instructions. As for senior citizens, you may get pain in your nerves or hands. 

8th to 15th June

Between 8th and 9th keep your tempers in check, as you cannot afford to spoil hard work invested over the years, due to a moment’s lapse in self control.  Between 10th & 11th There can be sharing of ideas, and you may even learn new skills now, so this is a very good time to give an edge to your learning process.Between 12th & 13th your prestige will get a boost. In your workplace, you will impress other people to join your group. But be cautious and think before taking any action, as things can backfire and you will have to bear the responsibility. On 14th & 15th you can enjoy the association of intellectuals. You feel calm and cool, it will be a self-filtering phase, you can analyze and explore yourself, you sometimes feel alone, which is able to help you focus on your life goals.

16th to 23rd June

Between 16th & 17th for students they may suffer from a lack of concentration. It is time to be serious about their schedule and follow it religiously.  Between 18th & 19th those of you who are waiting for the result of an interview will get the expected outcome. You may get selected in an interview, which you had given recently and you will be recognized for your abilities. The guidance of your father or boss is going to help you in your career. Between 20th & 21st be careful with regards to your health. You will need to learn to tackle the constantly mounting work pressures without developing negative anxiety. Between 22nd & 23rd cooperative efforts will make you grow well. Working conditions will better. Enemies and opponents will remain over-awed by your influence

24th & 30th June


Between 24th & 26th there will be some financial issues and this is not the time to plan anything new. Please be careful about your expenses as they can come up when you least expect them. Between 27th and 28th married life may become tense and there could also be a considerable decline in conjugal happiness. Do not lose your temper over trivial matters and keep your ego under check. Between 29th and 30th issues relating to children may become a matter of concern for you.  You are likely to have disagreement with your children. 


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April 20 - May 20

1st to 7th June

Between 1st & 3rd influential persons may be moving with mixed motives; play it by the rule book, while handling sensitive assignments during this period.  Be careful between 4th & 5th. Avoid confrontation with anyone since it is not a favourable period for you. Vehicle may give you trouble, involving much expenditure.  Keep your costly things guarded. Between 6th &7th you need to exercise great discretion in planning your agendas and taking important decisions. Do not undertake anything simply because it appeals to your nature. 

8th to 15th June

Between 8th & 9th you’ll have gala time, which shall also guide you to adopt a totally positive attitude towards life. Avoid extremes of any kind during this period; be balanced and objective in your approach, to enjoy seamless progress.  Between 10th & 11th Family’s divided opinion on an important issue may upset you. You may feel frustrated and stranded in family matters. Between 12th & 13th a number of business activities will command your attention, and agreements and contracts you take hold of as a consequence, may get you a fortune. On 14th & 15 take control of your finances for the time being and stop spending unnecessarily.  Otherwise it may soon have serious consequences. You need to understand the value of money and increase your savings as much as possible.


16th to 23rd June

Between 16th & 18 you may find your mind not getting due concentration .You may feel stressed because of the workload which can cause you strain and headache.  Between 19th & 21st your dedication to your family may assist you in obtaining the love and care you desire. Stop criticizing and consider how you might help your children deal with their predicament as a father.  Between 22nd & 23rd If doing research work, you will be successful in your efforts. You will get good guidance from your friends and siblings in education and career. You should follow their suggestions to attain success in your academics.

24th to 30th June


Between 24th &26th is a period that is good for minor adventures, not for taking major risks. You can expect new opportunities to arise through your connections and acquaintances. Embrace a change that will bring out your best qualities, as it presents a promising path for your future career. Between 27th & 28th some senior family member's adverse health may keep you busy. This may add to your work pressure. A hectic schedule in a profession may give more responsibilities.  Between 29th & 30th you will be helped and benefitted by those on power and authority. Dynamic plans will help you to steal a march over your rivals with ease.  


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May 21 - June 21

1st to 7th June

Between 1st & 3rd look for the facts in hand rather than the images in your mind.  Avoid committing yourself to long term arrangements in haste. Think carefully on the subject which may throw light and give you confidence to decide in a beneficial way. Between 4th & 5th believe in your talent and get out to show it.  You may dazzle your audience at a presentation, or win the favors of an influential person.  Between 6th & 7th you will be in a mood to exercise your power of positive thinking. Emotions may bother you to some extent so be careful and do not look back at abandoned values and relationships. The focus is on future

8th to 15th June

The period between 8th & 9th though may appear a tough phase on the surface; deep down things are changing for the better. Your determination to succeed and remain positive in the face of difficulties is your biggest strength. Between 10th & 11th you will feel happy and impulsive and be in the mood for action. Energy and impetus may not be lacking. Social activities with family will also help you in keeping the members of the house happy. Between 12th & 13th you should not be negligent towards your health and keep doing yoga, meditation, and exercise from time to time to keep yourself fit and fit. Avoid activities that are physically risky, as there is tendency toward minor accidents.   Between 14th & 15th an inauspicious start will make you get trapped in an unwanted controversy. Problems will confront you.  Deadlocks can be broken by dynamic approach and adventurous   moves. 

16th to 23rd June

Between 16th & 17th you can expect a lot of happenings on the personal front. If eligible, you are likely to find your perfect match during this time. Between 18th & 19th you will achieve great results in the field of education. You’ll get due reward for your hard work. This is an ideal time for you to indulge in studies and research work. Between 20th & 21st your enduring capacity is likely to be tested. Don’t give up, if you don’t get the desired outcomes. Keep giving your best. Career prospects seem promising for you.  Between 22nd & 23rd some conflicts may develop among your family members. Pay prompt attention to the issues, and solve them with tact.

24th to 30th June

Between 24th & 26th do not try innovations just for the heck of it, especially if things are going great for you.  Unnecessary experimentation is as harmful as meaningless addiction to old methods.  Between 27th & 28th be careful in money matters as this could be dangerous phase money wise.  Avoid extra expenditure.  This is a suitable time for you to approach your employer for any favours.  Between 29th & 30th Dialogues and agreements will make your life active. Success in legal court case is expected. You may decide now about changing your office or residence. Your involvement in social activities will enrich your knowledge considerably  


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June 22 - July 22

1st to 7th June

Between 1st & 3rd Learn to relax from within. Everything around you may be in a state of flux, but the calmer you stay; the better you will fare in the turbulence. You may need to follow up on a financial matter more carefully as there’s a chance of error and delays.  Between 4th & 5th time will be wasted in unnecessary brooding. Your own short temper and acerbic tongue may add to your worries. Callousness about your work may cost you dear. Be cool and collected if you want solace. Between 6th & 7th Health may deteriorate due to your carelessness. Beware of overindulgence in emotion, food or drink.

8th to 15th June

Between 8th & 9th you'll get rid from unnecessary running around.  You will remain in cheerful mood.  Your kids will remain obedient and give you happiness. Between 10th & 11th your hunches based on past experience will prove spot-on in all matters; when in doubt switch back to tried and tested methods.  This is a time for working on winning solutions to existing issues.  Between 12th & 13th Students pursuing basic education will be able to grasp complex topics easily. All this shall not only serve to help you better your grades in the long run but shall also play a pivotal role in uplifting your spirits.   Between 14th & 15th you may have a problem making a decision, especially when emotional issues are involved. You may act foolishly or take some wrong decision. You should read people’s mind before taking any decision.    

16th to 23 June

Between 16th & 17th the stress you've been under starts to lift as a close one gives in. Get rid of what and who is no longer working in your life. Taking a break from the family issue dragging you down brings new answers.  Between 18th & 19th be careful about your accounts. Handle legal matters with care and deliberations. Avoid impulsive moves and getting involved in meaningless controversies during this period.  Between 20th & 21st don't act without thinking twice on every step.  Nubile candidates of the house may get marriage proposals. Some of them getting desired match will also lighten the burden from your heart.  Between 22nd & 23rd Relationships that have been on shaky grounds and riddled with problems/ misunderstandings may fall apart now, paving the way for more meaningful relationships in the future

 24th & 30th June


Between 24th & 25th Enemies may create hurdles in your way.  Your plans will be held up.  Service or profession may have nagging problems. Between 26th & 28th be prepared to step into the limelight if you wish to promote your ambitions. The personal problems you may be having are interfering with your productivity. Recognition will be yours if you meet your deadline.  Between 29th & 30th you may pass through a very trying phase. Do not allow others to provoke you into angry reactions or impulsive decisions; maintain your calm, and keep going along directions that you have decided as right regardless of what others say or do

July 23 - August 22

1st to 7th June

 Between 1st & 3rd you must protect your immunity. Multiple tasks and stress can impair your physical health and cause stress. Exercise can help you recuperate from stress and discomfort. Between 4th & 5th Calm harmonious mood is going to mark all your thoughts and actions. No altercation will have the power to disturb you. In fact, such a situation may arise at your workplace where you will exercise a calming influence. Between 6th & 7th your honour and renown will get boosted up. There is a heightened chance of you going on long trips. You may go to your native town or visit a new place. You will have contact with far off places.  

8th to 15th June


 Between 8th & 9th you need to rationalize your investment decisions and listen to the experts though you have a great tendency to be swayed by a glossy, if empty presentation.  Between 10th & 11th you have been dreaming of many fantasies which you can turn into reality now.  You will be intensely involved in this affair and it will last for longer than usual. You may have to miss out on other opportunities in life for better prospects in order to stay in to this relationship! Between 12th & 13th have the courage to do what you think is right under all circumstances. When you are on the side of what is right, you need not worry who is behind to support. Between 14th & 15th you are in let go mood. It is good to feel free spirited but moderation is the key of life. Do not get overboard.

16th to 23rd June

 Between 16th & 17th Family peace will be maintained.  Your children may achieve something worthwhile to make you proud. Between 18th & 19th you have devoted considerable time and effort to a project and it will start to pay off now. Hard work and determination along with farsighted planning has done the trick. You have also been planning some renovations but have been deterred by financial constraint .Between 20th & 21st you will probably receive a happy surprise from your partner. If you are thinking of starting a family, then this is the perfect time for it. Between 22nd & 23rd result of any exam, test or interview will be favourable.  Students and teachers will have a lot of complexities. There can be sharing of ideas, and you may even learn new skills now, so this is a very good time to give an edge to your learning process

24th & 30th June


Between 24th & 26th you'll get much relief from the past troubles.  You will indulge in a bit of self introspection.  Do not be restricted by past patterns and beliefs; explore the world, from your   own opinion, and be dynamic enough to embrace a new change and new opportunities to usher in positive developments.  Between 27th & 28th Chances of promotion are likely. May get some important assignment.  Suggestions coming from the most unlikely of sources will prove to money spinners. Between 29th & 30th you may get more than you bargained for, but be sure to ask for more pay, leisure and pleasure. You are climbing the ladder of success, but beware of slippery rungs at the top. Your plans may suffer temporary setbacks, but things will change for the better soon



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August 23 - Sept 22

1st to 7th June

- Between 1st & 3rd an outward journey is possible. You will enjoy your travels to the hilt. Possibility of overseas travel is there.  New contracts and social work will prove advantageous. Between 4th & 5th Meticulous as you are, hopefully you won't grudge the extra quota of domestic responsibilities that comes your way. But then, since the work is in a more than satisfactory state, some added issues on the home front won't hurt either.  Between 6th & 7th your health would need extra attention.  Avoid activities that are physically risky, as there is tendency toward minor accidents. During this period you will feel more tired than usual. Fatigue and tiredness will make you listless.

8th to 15th June

Between 8th & 9th finds you ambitious and meticulous. Actions will not speak – they'll roar! Your planning and scruples will set the pace at work. Expect pats on the back from your bosses and a round of cheers from your peers.  Between 10th & 11th you might suffer from anxiety related to your job. There might be opportunities to work with foreign companies. Do not make a hasty decision or leave your job in anger. To achieve success, you need to be calm, disciplined and consistent towards your goal. `Between 12th & 13th don’t make any quick or aggressive decision and try to get some financial advice before making a major investment. There can be unplanned travelling which can give expenditure. Between 14th & 15th you can expect a lot of happenings on the personal front. All your important relationships are brought into focus. These may be personal relationships or even professional ones, and all the relations and bonds that are of significance are under focus because of Jupiter. If eligible, you are likely to find your perfect match during this time.

16th to 23rd June

Between 16th & 17th you might not get the expected outcome at the starting phase of this week which could be annoying or stressful. Tension could also be caused by loads of work suddenly and any shifts in the plans. In the period between 18th & 19th working conditions will better. Enemies and opponents will remain over-awed by your influence. You shall strive to obtain the desired objectives of your life for which your actions will be quite conducive. Between 20th & 21st family's divided opinion on an important issue may upset you. Avoid getting drawn in any controversy and keep your tongue and temper in check. Keep yourself medically checked regularly to avoid any serious trouble.  Between 22nd & 23rd use caution when making decisions that will affect your home life. Back away from something or someone to protect your interests and spare your loved ones grief. Unpredictable actions should be kept to a minimum and disagreements avoided.

24th & 30th June


  Between 24th & 26th There can be some unexpected challenges related to business and if you are in foreign-related business or import and export business then time  is not favourable to make any major changes in the business plan.  Between 27th & 28th personal issues will take most of your time.  Your expenses will exceed your budget limit which may make you tense. You’ll feel quite saddled with responsibilities. Between 29th & 30th the creative idea is going to help you in your business to make thing favourable. In terms of the job, the last phase of this week can give success in the interview and also give the expected result of your hard work.   


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Sept 23 - Oct 22

1st to 7th June

Between 1st & 3rd you’ll find a basic change in your personality.  You learn some new techniques and shall use it gainfully in your work. With the drive for knowledge you'll also not let go any opportunity to earn some money.  Between 4th & 5th is a good time for the students. Good news regarding your education will be received. Your efficiency and abilities will be praised by your seniors. Your hectic activity may not allow you any time for yourself. Between 6th & 7th some big responsibility may be given to you. Do not take anything for granted. Be attentive about your duties and do not take chances. The stars will put you in a light hearted mood.

8th to 15th June

Between 8th & 9th do not be hasty in money matters, lest you'll repent.  Be a bit miserly, else you'll lose money.  May have to settle high rising expenses with your meager savings.  Between 10th & 11th you will realize that in this materialistic world, everything is judged by its appearance, and what are unseen counts for nothing. You will work hard to be seen and crave for attention.  Between 12th & 13th there may be unforeseen obstacles associated with divorce or a love connection. To make things simple, avoid using the third person and have a clear and encouraging dialogue. On 14th & 15th you may get a raise in your allowances or salary. You’ll also indulge in a bit of charity / philanthropic works. 

16th to 23rd June

Between 16th & 18th Work pressure may adversely affect your family life. This is a good time for meditative exercises and for sorting the priorities in your life in the best. Between 19th & 21st this is the time to take a reality-check on all your ventures. This is not the time for over-optimistic projections or passive drifting through life, but a time when you must take active responsibility of events happening around you, and take practical steps to keep things in control. Between 22nd & 23rd you may get some good financial achievements to feel full of energy and drive.  Your soft and modest reaction will get you good gains.  Socially your clout will spread.

24th & 30th June

Between 24th & 26th health may deteriorate to force you visit a doctor. Avoid any confrontation or altercation at every cost to ensure your mental peace.   Take a scheduled rest, and steer clear of crowded environment as much as possible to avoid seasonal problems. Between 27th & 28th you will have better time. You'll also look after your vital interests and take a bold decision. You’ll have good meeting with likeminded people.  Friends and relations will be helpful.


  Between 29th & 30th may make you a bit nervous.  Be extra cautious regarding financial dealings during this period, to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings with your partners.   



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Oct 23 - Nov 21

1st to 7th June

 Between1st & 3rd People will have wrong opinion about you, no matter what you had done for them.  Patient and methodical approach are warranted in all that you know.  Between 4th & 5th don’t believe all that you hear during this period. Plans those look grand on paper may be impractical, when you try to implement them. Double-check things before committing yourself.  Between 6th & 7th check your kid’s activities; they might be going the wrong way. Some of your loved ones may not be in their element. You must not feel dejected by this. It is your good mood that will ease the situation. Be happy and enthusiastic and all those around you will follow suit...


8th to 15th June

Between 8th & 9th be conservative and cautious in your approach to all matters. Hasty decisions and impulsive moves during this period may land you face down in deep muck.  Between 10th & 11th own up your mistakes without getting irritated, when someone points those to you.  Your willingness to accept shortcomings and to work on those to effect positive change will be crucial factor, to get positive outcomes during this time. Between 12th & 13th explore alternative methods of expressing your dissent –where you express your displeasure without coming across as unnecessarily abrasive. This is a perfect time for audit/ appraisal and problem- solving activities. Do not hesitate to take a few hard decisions, if situations demand so. Between 14th & 15th Your defenses are weaker than usual now and you are inclined to passively withdraw or give in to other people rather than act decisively and strongly in your own behalf. Confusion, vagueness, or misrepresentation can occur in your relationships, so beware of making commitments at this time. You're likely to see things much more clearly and realistically later on.

16th to 23rd June

Between 16th & 17th you'll have a grand success and your hard work shall be amply awarded.  If things are going well, there is no reason to try something else just for the heck of it. Avoid taking unnecessary risks during this period.  Between 18th & 19th have the courage to do what you think is right under all circumstances. When you are on the side of what is right, you need not worry who is behind to support you! Be balanced and avoid extreme view point in any matter.  Between 20th & 21st do not allow others to provoke you into angry reactions or impulsive decisions; maintain your calm, and keep going along directions that you have decided as right regardless of what others say or do.  Between 22nd & 23rd your close relations may add to your problems which may remain unsolved to vex you all the more. However, be guarded in your official jobs as things may tend to go out of control.

24th to 30th June

Between 24th & 26th the house maintenance, up-keep like needs will take most of your time.  You are likely to concentrate on acquisition of material comfort and other accessories. Between 27th & 28th your time frame may require some waiting. It is not a good time for taking important decisions regarding career matters. You may go the wrong way and regret at a later date.  Between 29th & 30th Great strides forward can be taken in business matters during this optimistic period. Your success during this period can be in direct proportion to how well-informed you are regarding your activities, and how dynamic you are in implementation of your plans  


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Nov 22 - Dec 21

1st to 7th June

Between 1st & 3rd you can be trapped in serious problems.  Your trusted people will ditch you.  Do not let setbacks upset you; if an attempt fails to take off, it does not mean your goal is not right; just that we need to try alternatives to reach our goals.  Between 4th & 5th you’ll remain busy in religious activities. You’ll have your worship and prayers amply answered and shall come out of the odd circumstances. Between 6th & 7th some long lasting worry may eventually vanish with its cause removed. You will find yourself full of verse and vitality.

8th to 15th June

Between 8th & 9th marketing professionals will find themselves right in middle of public acclamation and well deserved accolades. At workplace, offering your inspired workarounds will move you to the front of the line for promotions and bonuses. Between 10th & 11th is a good time to spend quality- time with loved ones, or to indulge in your favourite hobby activities to recharge your batteries, and motivation. Between 12th & 13th your health will require attention, as you are susceptible to fall sick.  Take care of your food habits and keep your spirits high to keep gloominess and unnecessary fears at bay. Between 14th & 15th you may receive grand success at government circles and all your due work will be accomplished.  You may accomplish some very noble and meritorious deed to earn fame. You may accomplish some religious deeds as well. Stupendous achievements are indicated academically. 

16th to 23rd June

Between 16th & 18th Some temporary obstacles may crop up. Don’t give up too much in hopes of getting what you want. Emotionally, it will be a stretch to get along with friends and family. Don't disagree -- wait for a more opportune moment to prove your point.  Between 18th & 19th be prepared to step into the limelight if you wish to promote your ambitions. The personal problems you may be having are interfering with your productivity. Recognition will be yours if you meet your deadline. Between 20th & 21st you will feel rather uneasy. You may find yourself having a bit of hard time with your employer. If you are in trade, you may have to go through a few setbacks. Between 22nd & 23rd If you are a student, this could prove to be good period for you to succeed in the field of learning.  Students, by staying sharp witted, will achieve their loftiest academic goals.


24th to 30th June

Between 24th & 26th Jealous attitudes may lead you astray. Try to stay calm, and whatever you do, don't nag. Your communication skills will bring you popularity and increased self esteem. Don't back down but don't ignite the situation.  You'll adjust well with the circumstances to achieve your end.    Between 27th & 28th you may get good job offers and may plan for your own business expansion which will be successful. Your talent & merit could get a platform for expression.  Between 29th & 30th refrain from poking your nose into other's affairs or you'll be trapped unnecessarily.  Some of you are likely to go on foreign trips & may have to stay away from family. 

Dec 22- Jan 19

1st to 7th June

Between 1st & 3rd socially you will be quite active. You will face every challenge with a resolute courage .May show your magnanimity to your subordinates and shall receive kudos from them.  Between 4th & 5th time will be wasted in unnecessary brooding. Your own short temper and acerbic tongue may add to your worries. Callousness about your work may cost you dear. Be cool and collected if you want solace. Between 6th & 7th a sudden brainwave can show you the way out of vexatious issues.  If you are involved in intense research, you may be pleasantly surprised with path breaking discoveries during this period


8th to 15th June

Between 8th & 9thI inadequate preparation on the academic front is likely to have bad repercussions. Your impulsiveness may make you commit mistake at work. Take precautionary measures right away.  Between 10th & 11th you may act foolishly or take some wrong decision. You should read people’s mind before taking any decision. Misunderstanding in married life may be a cause of grief.  Between 12th & 13th you will be loaded with additional responsibilities. Before reposing your faith in anyone, scrutinize the person thoroughly. The focus is on future.  Avoid committing yourself to long term arrangements in haste.  Between 14th & 15th you will have a very trying time. You must tackle family issues from psychological angles. Emotions may bother you to some extent so be careful and do not look back at abandoned values and relationships.

16th to 23rd June

Between 16th & 18th be careful about your accounts. Handle legal matters with care and deliberations. Avoid impulsive moves and getting involved in meaningless controversies during this period. Between 18th & 19th you’ll feel quite happy and liberated.  Period is good for studies, research, writing etc., because you’ll be able to concentrate well.   Socially you will remain much occupied. Between 20th & 21st your enhanced intellectual prowess would help you solve complex problems with ease. Expenses are likely to shoot up, making you dip into your savings. Between 22nd & 23rd is a perfect time for indulging in divergent thinking to resolve vexatious issues. It may not be a good idea to address issues that have caused irritation in the past. You would be well appreciated if you give some degree of credit to all those who have put in effort.

24th to 30th June


Between 24th & 26th you may indulge in some novel research work.  This is a good time for introspection and meditative exercises. Be balanced in your approach to all situations, to get the best results. Between 27th & 28th Surprise your loved ones with random gesture of affection, and add pep element to your romantic life. Contra-intuitive approaches will prove gainful in financial dealings. Between 29th & 30th don’t waste your resources, by directing them towards illusionary goals and pursuits. Don’t make promises you can't keep. Do not force your opinions on others. 


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Jan 20 - Feb 18

1st to 7th June

Between 1st & 3rd you'd act with much magnanimity and like to indulge in charity works.  Your influence in your field will get widened due to your communication abilities.  You’ll have great leaning towards religions and spirituality. Between 4th & 5th is a good time to unwind yourself by indulging in some hobby activity of your choice. If you have practical tasks to handle, focus harder to avoid absent-minded errors, or errors of over-sight that can prove costly to your prospects. Between 6th & 7th be prepared for taking instant decisions and acting promptly on them. You are likely to meet several such situations.  You have the acumen and experience to deal with such contingencies.

8th to 15th June

 Between 8th & 9th you'll feel quite tired and exhausted.  You may feel frustrated and stranded in family matters. Shower your warmth and care to make up for past mistakes. Your spouse will be supportive and lend you a helping hand to regain your mental composure. Between 10th & 11th don’t beat around the bush, but be direct and straight- forward. Have the courage to take a few calculated risks after working out the odds carefully. Between 12th & 13th Success in education is indicated during this time.  You will come out with flying colours. Situations at work can be much to your liking, and allow you to cover much ground.  Between 14th & 15th Innovative schemes and experimental ventures will have good chance of doing well.  Avoid unnecessary confrontations, but also avoid tendency to pull back unnecessarily...just do what is right for each situation – not more and not less!

16th to 23rd June

Between 16th & 17th your responsibility will be enhanced commensurately with your status.  You'll have high regards for your seniors and parents &you will discharge your duties in a most responsible way.  Between 18th & 19th avoid undertaking any long distance travel, as it is likely to be troublesome and may not give you the desired result. Between 20th & 21st your circumstances will improve much. Good news about your kids may cheer you up.  Relations with seniors will improve.  Some auspicious deeds are likely to be performed at your home.  Between 22nd & 23rd you'll have good romantic escapades. Change is in the air, due to an out and out attraction you feel for someone special whom you have only recently met. Some very intense feelings could surface and may take you by surprise

24th to 30th June

Between 24th & 26th you'll get much relief from the past troubles. Your healthy lifestyle will help you recover from your physical problems. Yoga and having positive thoughts will play big role in keeping you healthy. The elders will also bless you.  Between 27th & 28th you'll enjoy mental peace. You will indulge in a bit of self introspection.  Do not be restricted by past patterns and beliefs; explore the world, from your own opinion, and be dynamic enough to embrace a new change and new opportunities to usher in positive developments. Between 29th & 30th you may receive some unpleasant news to intensity your tension.  Despite your hard work, gain would be negligible. Some big responsibility may be given to you. Do not take anything for granted. Be attentive about your duties and do not take chances 


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Feb 19 - March 20

1st to 7th June

 Between 1st & 3rd you may pass through a very trying phase.  Love relations may become bitter. What you have in mind might be at odds with what others prefer; try to find the middle ground that is acceptable to everyone, while handing critical situations. Between 4th & 5th it would be best if you focus a lot on your personal life. Your relationship with your parents may be a bit strained. Still, you should sit down together and have a good conversation to avoid misunderstandings. Between 6th & 7th listen to the views of loved ones, and do what you can to address their genuine grievances. Be conservative and cautious in all financial dealings.

8th to 15th June

Between 8th & 9th you’ll be eager to travel and learn new things, and if you’re in school, you’ll find that you have a boost in energy around studying and finishing your projects. Between 10th & 11th Relationships will give you a chance to rejuvenate your presence.  Small celebration within the family will give you happiness and company for the family too. Between 14th & 15th is going to come with a lot of responsibilities for you. Some unexpected situations will also make you uncomfortable. However, there is something special you can do at this time, which will also make this situation pass faster.

16th to 23rd June

–Between 16th & 17th weak immunity is going to give you sudden health challenges. You may feel exhausted.  Headache / stomachache problems may crop up.  Try to avoid cold beverages and be regular with a healthy diet to have good health. Between 18th & 19th People may like to tarnish your image.  Be careful about your secret foes and their conspiracies.  Misunderstandings may grow amongst friends.  Between 20th & 21st there may be times when you feel hopeless about life in general. However, the only way you can avoid depression is to focus on your work and stay busy with life. Family should be your priority now, and you should try in every way. Between 22nd & 23rd your financial condition can be good and you can also invest in profitable sources of income. Soon it will get great returns. There is also a possibility of profit from inheritance in some form or the other.

24th & 30th June

Between 24th & 26th it is time to arrange a meeting with family and with your love partner so that you can transform your love into a marriage relationship. Those of you who are divorced might get the chance to be in a relationship again. Between 27th & 28th career related problems may trouble you, throwing you in a quandary about what decisions should be taken.  Mark your interest first and then take decisions.  Don't heed to other's advice in these matters.  Between 29th & 30th you can buy a new house or vehicle which will remain an asset forever. Your parents can be extremely supportive, and they will also guide you with their experience. Spend quality time together as a family to re-establish broken bonds                                   


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Rahu Kaal October 2024

RAHU KAAL means Bad Time during the day (Avoid doing anything during this brief period)

Panchang October 2024

Panchang October 2024

Sign of the Month: Scorpio

Sign of the Month: Scorpio

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Monthly Horoscope for October 2024

Monthly Horoscope for October 2024