Monthly Forecast for September 2023

Attention: Kindly note that these are general and broad predictions based on planetary movements and placement of stars in houses applicable to millions of persons across the world having the same sun sign. For precise predictions for individuals, your precise time, date and place of birth is needed. We will make your horoscope and conduct detailed analysis. Contact us to know your future in 2020

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Our Predictions


(March 21-April 19 )
(April 20-May 20)
(May 21- June 21)
(June 22-July 22)
(July 23-August 22)
(August 23-Sept 22)
(September 23-October 22)
(October 23-November 21)
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Capricorn
(December 22- January 19)
(January 20-February 18)
(February 19-March 20)


March 21 - April 19

1st to 7th September - Between 1st & 2nd is an aggressive and positive time for people especially in career and businesses. Hard work / new projects will turn favorable. You will be unable to control expenses keep an eye!  If thinking of starting a new venture, do so as you will succeed.  Between 3rd & 5th you'll give time to your family as well as discharge your official duties. Students will do well. You may, however, face some economic troubles but will manage to reach your goal. Between 6th & 7th Short travels and expenditures for your family is indicated. You will not be in harmony with the surroundings, especially at the work place.

8th to 15th September - Between 8th & 9th you will start working with redoubled enthusiasm and shall receive better results in the coming days. Better opportunities to further your business interest. With little efforts, you will get good returns.  A change in your life will be noted between 10th & 11th when spiritually you'll grow. You'll feel light and tension free, though some of your close ones may feel antagonized.  Between 12th & 13th don’t allow trivial responsibilities or irritating people to distract you from your noble goals.  It is the time to focus on your long-term aims and ambitions, planning ahead.  Between 14th & 15th the   period will prompt you to be determined to march ahead and soar over obstacles blocking your way. Stay focused; do not be tempted to diversify your efforts. Patience will help you to reap rich benefits,

16th to 23rd September - Between 16th & 17th the period will create situations that will enlighten you about various aspects of life and assist you to work your way out in trying times. Expect good news as Saturn will become direct on 18th September. This may also relieve tension on occupational front. Between 18th & 20th your supremacy in the political sphere will swell and all your projects will be duly accomplished. Your remarkable sense of perception must be telling you that certain associates have deep and hidden feelings. They might even be questioning your standards or beliefs.  Between 22nd & 23rd think twice before taking any decision and consider all aspects judiciously. You will manage to influence people with your refurbished image. 

24th & 30th September - Between 24th & 25th Young students must act responsibly as they may face distraction. On the other hand, higher education learners are likely to concentrate and give their best. With regard to health, take due measures to keep digestive system healthy. On 26th & 27th  Business situation   looks healthy, but you should be considering other things apart from money. For example, there is good reason to stretch yourself socially.  Between 28th & 30th Sharing some moments with seniors would enable to gather valuable information at work. Health of a family member might require immediate attention. Some investment on household assets is on the card.  


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April 20 - May 20

1st to 7th September - Between 1st & 2nd you may attend some social function. You will be busy in romantic affairs with much success.  Your familial bonds will also be strengthened.  You may receive good and important news. Family get together will delight you. Between   3rd & 5th you'll have a hectic schedule at place of work. You might be offered some additional responsibility along with authority with new targets set. Between 6th and 7th Chronic patients will get some relief.  Travelling for professional purposes will be beneficial. Some of you may take steps to upgrade their knowledge/professional skills further.

8th to 15th September - Between 8th & 9th Colleagues might feel jealous of your popularity and try to harm your interests.   Impatient Mars in Leo brings in game changing skies in personal relations. Between 10th & 11th with your intellectual and communication skills, you will be able to impress others during this time. You should avoid being an egoist and be more sensitive towards people to tackle a situation. You must be practical as well.. Between 12th & 13th you'll find yourself in dilemma. Avoid all controversies and disputes as much as you can.  Wedding bells will ring for some of you. Between 14th & 15th is a time of fun and frolic, make the most of it. Your personal magnetism would be on the rise. Some entirely unexpected opportunities on professional front are likely to come your way.

16th 23rd September - Between 16th & 17th you will spend money for a social or religious cause. However, refrain from going overboard and borrowing money for the same. Some unexpected help may be forthcoming from an influential person. Between 18th & 20th be careful regarding your eating habits. There are chances that you may get issues related to digestive, gastric system or stomach related problems.  Between 21st & 23rd your enhanced intellectual prowess would help you solve complex problems with ease. Your self-confidence and determined approach would enable you to attain aims at work place. Do not forget to appreciate the achievements of your juniors.

24th & 30th September - Between 24th & 25th if you had been job hunting, then you could find what exactly you are looking for. It is probable that a change of tempo in your daily routine is overdue and will help you make a bold decision you have been struggling with. Between 26th & 27th you'll lead a very well regulated life.  May also do service to senior citizens. Clearing doubts would strengthen the romantic relationship.  Between 28th & 30th there may be important breakthrough in your career. Professionals, at this juncture, shall be happy and feel motivated to work under a boss who is cooperative and has a clear vision. You are likely to put up a good performance under his guidance. 



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May 21 - June 21

1st to 7th September - 1st to 7th June – Between 1st & 2nd domestic peace will be disturbed. Moon in 4th may give rise to avoidable clashes and confrontation.  You may pick quarrel with somebody for no rhyme or reason.  A futile altercation may also take place.  Senior family members' health may cause concern.  Between 3rd & 5th much hard work may be needed to achieve normal results.  But friends will be quite cooperative. Act with a positive frame of mind and avoid getting agitated.  Between 5th & 7th Expenses will be high in maintenance of the house and vehicle etc.  But long due, held up jobs revival will cheer you up.  You will be eager to seek secrets for stronger and healthier relationship. Some planetary positions in the coming days may help you. Higher growths will now become your top priority

8th to 15th September - Between 8th & 9th contracts & written communications, along with short distance travels are favoured. Separate work from personnel issues, or you will have troubles with deadlines. At home matrimonial proposal may get active consideration. Between 9th & 11th you will get some worthwhile support from those around you if you are willing to be a bit more social able than usual. Great opportunity and fulfillment   can only come when you build or mend a bridge with someone who is intimately connected to your success, your life direction or your ambition. Between 11th & 13th you’ll have generally satisfying time& feel quite relaxed. You’ll feel committed to improve your working style which shall keep you occupied. . There would be an increase in responsibilities at the workplace.  Between 14th & 15th.Children would bring happiness. Clearing doubts would strengthen the romantic relationship. Love is in the stars, and a commitment can be made.

16th 23rd September - Between 16th & 17th a fear of something untoward happening will keep assailing your heart. Many apprehensions will keep you in the dread of the unknown.  Although eventually you’ll get over them successfully, but you’ll feel disturbed.  Between 18th & 20th a sudden, unexpected encounter may catch you off guard. You're also apt to throw routine to the wind and do something quite out of character for you. Try to be honest in your deal. Between 21st & 23rd journeys will prove quite productive and fame-enhancing. The students by dint of their merit and hard work may get good result.  In competitive exams the marks obtained will

24th & 30th September - Between 24th & 25th matters relating to children may worry you a little. Be extra careful while dealing with your loved ones. Try and spend quality time with your parents, who may require your support. Between 26th & 27th if there are some issues that do not please you; you must be candid enough to point them out so that you are not made a scapegoat. Between 28th & 30th you may receive some good news.  Misunderstandings with your partner may be removed.  You will be full of confidence and enthusiasm. You will engage yourself in spiritual and charitable activities.


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June 22 - July 22

1st to 7th September - Between 1st & 3rd your personal valour will show its impact. Social relationships, friendships, and supportive alliances are strengthened now. Your energy and confidence are high and you can accomplish much in a harmonious, flowing manner right now. Between 4th & 5th you will indulge in self introspection.  Seeing things progressing well and their impact on the future plans will keep you delighted.  At home the atmosphere will be full of happiness and mirth.    Between 6th & 7th you’ll have good time with your close ones and enjoy comforts of high order. You may be implementing new things in your life. You would do well for yourself if you could be more objective. Do not jump to conclusions. 

8th to 15th September - Between 8th & 9th you may find that people are trying to impose themselves on you, but you have to have faith in you. Put your foot down and implement your own plans.  Between 10th & 11th your skepticism will increase during this time. However, with your confidence, you will be able to make quick decisions and move ahead on your path. Your elders and father may prove beneficial to you.  Between 12th & 13th you will remain hopeful to realize your ambitions. You are prone to be compulsive or demanding in a close relationship, to be emotionally driven and to force things to a head in some emotionally-laden situation. Between 14th & 15th a relationship can be deepened and reborn now, given new life by your willingness to reveal yourself completely to your loved one.

16th to 23rd September - Between 16th & 17th you may face many problems.  Avoid any confrontation with anybody and act with patience. Also avoid taking any financial risk, lest you suffer loss.  Between 18th & 20th There are chances that your routine work will get delayed, and you may feel a little disparage. You may give more preference to social work than earning money, which will increase your goodwill. Between 21st & 23rd you are much more likely to become domineering, pushy, or inconsiderate of others now, so it is a good time for you to do what you need to do by yourself rather than with others. Caution in speech is required as you have chances of getting into controversies.

24th & 30th September - Between 24th & 25th there are chances of accidental expenses.  You may incur expenses after renovating your home or property. The chances of you spending some money on religious activities are also there during this time. It's recommended for you to avoid gambling to make easy money.  Between 26th & 27th Professional loss is likely. Creative people may face a mental block, but it is a temporary phase, which demands that you be more practical in your approach to life.  Need of the hour is to be headstrong and firm in your decision.  Between 28th & 30th you may feel interested in art and literature. May favor people who are into creative fields.   Your relationship with your loved ones may get better.

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July 23 - August 22

1st to 7th September - Between 1st & 2nd you will feel like your hard work is paying off. You may feel mentally calm and relaxed. Your reputation will increase, and you will make new contacts.  Between 3rd & 5th you'll remain busy in public affair. Working women may have to work hard. This is a time when you would win others over with your excellent expressions and power of speech. Between 6th & 7th a rise in anger and unnecessary aggression would be present. Try not to lose your cool unnecessarily as that could have negative impact on your work in the long term.

8th to 15th September - Between 8th & 9th you will get only mixed results.  May have to help some needy close relation.  This may help you in giving meaning to your relationship. Between 10th & 11th you will find new opportunities in life; networking skills will rise during this time. Your meetings with your partner would get more frequent during this time, and you would focus on your relationship. There are chances of some issues with your loved one, but with time, your relationship may get stronger.  Between 14th & 15th Family atmosphere will remain tense. If you are a foodie, you might suffer from minor stomach and digestion problems. Students would have a tough time as distractions will be high.

16th to 23rd September - Between 16th & 17th is time to do some retrospection. If you are finding stumbling blocks, you need to find the reason for them. Destiny does not control our action. It is ourselves who largely control what destiny can give us. So, be on your guard and view closely what is going wrong. Between 18th & 20th there would be a revival in confidence, better clarity and general growth in whatever you do.  Investment in real estate is becoming a possibility for you.  You'll succeed in brow-bearing your enemies. Between 21st & 23rd you will be in the limelight and hold the attention of others. You will also see your horizon widen, as many possibilities take the shape of reality.

24th & 30th September - Between 24th & 25th both your willpower and decision-making abilities will be amazing.  You will be making important decisions during this time, but try not to be impulsive. Between 26th & 27th Relations with colleagues will become smoother. You may feel more sensitive and you would need to understand all aspects of your relationship seriously. Between 28th & 30th there would be increase in your cycle of clients and public dealing professionally. Overall there would be growth but along with struggle and hassles. Work environment would be much better.


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August 23 - Sept 22

1st to 7th September - Between 1st & 2nd, you'll have contact with far off people.  You'll feel happy with your achievement. For students though, you may not feel that much interested in your studies; with time, you would increase your focus. You may feel like your hard work and enthusiasm are not giving you results as per your expectations. Between 3rd & 5th you may try to escape your responsibilities and may feel listless. There could be some politics within your work equations but as long as you can handle the diplomacy there would be good amount of growth due to your delegation and team efforts. Between 6th & 7th you need to avoid being critical of your lover’s activities. Adjustment is the keyword to maintaining a long-term relationship. You need to take care of your lover’s interest and prestige. Remember, your partner needs the utmost attention.

8th to 15th September - Between 8th & 9th you will give free reign to your imagination and will dream up something big to achieve.  There will be an obvious improvement in the quality of your work, which may be duly recognized by your bosses.  Official and personal communication will you keep you busy.  Between 10th & 11th Personal trends are pushed by the fact that you are prepared to help yourself, rather than wait for fate to favour you. Your image will become brighter and your character's transparency will influence people.  Between 11th & 13th you may not be happy with the outcomes of your tasks which is likely to make you a bit frustrated. If you get frustrated, your energy level will drop. Don't let that happen. Maintain positive outlook and ignore things that are disappointing. Between 14th & 15th you seem to go slow than usual and you may not feel motivated. You tend to be logically sound but you need to put more efforts in your tasks. It will eventually help you achieve your daily goals and maintain productivity.

16th 23rd September - Between 16th & 17th you may have to put in extra efforts to convince people about your point of view. Try to be a bit diplomatic at official meetings, as your frankness can prove to be problematic for others.  Between 18th & 20th some amount of minor worry and stress in financial matters is possible. Expenses would rise. Between 21st & 23rd Team and colleagues would do very well. Your own team will be very dynamic and aggressive in achieving targets. It might be a good idea to delegate work but ensure that you keep on getting your team to report to you throughout.

24th & 30th September - Between 24th & 25th other people are harder to deal with but you can manage if you push yourself. Be wary of their motives, though you never know when someone is going to back away quickly.  Between 26th & 27th whether you're on the job or just dealing with people on the street, you need to be somewhat wary. Nobody is out to get you, but it does seem like they're much more oblivious than usual. Between 28th & 30th you may have many short distance journeys or pleasure trips. Giving in to the temptation to spend money on unnecessary luxuries, can cost you dearly and deplete your reserves of savings. Stay focused on your actual needs and not desires.


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Sept 23 - Oct 22

1st to 7th September - Between 1st & 2nd your image is going to be of high importance. Think twice before making any statement. Avoid getting into tiffs and ties with people in power.  Between 3rd & 4th your spirits will be soaring and you may put extra effort in completing your tasks.  You will be duly rewarded for all your efforts. Between 5th & 7th your social life will be very sparkling and gainful in every way.  Friends will admire. Even at home your command will become wider spread.

8th to 15th September -:  Between 8th & 11th you'll have to work hard to put your plans into action.  Be patient and not hasty if you want to succeed.  May get Help from unexpected quarter.  Between 12th & 13th is the right time to work towards developing an interest in spirituality, for it will provide you with peace of mind. You’ll go for your intellectual development. Between 14th & 15th May opt for a new partnership.  You will take bigger risks but you should carefully consider the pros and cons while taking major decisions.

16th t 23rd September - Between 16th & 17th Good time to start looking for a better job that suits your set of skills best. You may not be satisfied with your current speed, progress, or accomplishment. You tend to be more creative than usual and want to bring more initiatives to excel in a fast paced environment. Between 18th & 20th there is good scope for betterment in life; try to spend some time with your partner. Conjugal bliss seems to be more peaceful and it gives both happiness and prosperity. Love life will be very romantic and active; your partner will give full support on your actions. Between 21st & 23rd you may find it difficult to crack some of the tough cookies at your workplace.  At work there may also be some pressing issues, which you may need to handle on the priority basis. 

24th & 30th September - Between 24th & 25th things may not be what they seem to be. Exercise caution when you encounter strange situations or deal with uncommon requests from the strangers.  Between 26th & 27th you will take bigger risks but you should carefully consider the pros and cons while taking major decision. Between 28th & 30th You must make an effort to enjoy a better relation with people who matter, both at home and office.  Be diplomatic in your interactions with influential figures; avoid unnecessary power plays and ego tussles with anyone. 


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Oct 23 - Nov 21

1st to 7th September - Between 1st & 2ndYou Things may just fall in to your lap.  You will help those in need but will get extremely upset when the outcome is not as per your expectations. It is not an encouraging sight and it will affect your confidence adversely. But, you are over-reacting, as these disappointments are not as big as they seem. Keep your chin up and get ready for a new tomorrow.  Between 3rd & 5th some senior family member's health may deteriorate. Family troubles may crop up. Children’s activity may cause worry. Between 6th & 7th May finalize a land or building deal. There will be a lot of projects and that may need a lot of physical energy as well. Most of the projects can be short ones which need a lot of analysis and time. 

8th to 15th September - Between 8th & 9th Take care of health and keep a check on what you eat and how much. If old health issues have been bothering you a lot then it is time to say bye to them. Also, keep up the workout it would keep your stamina high. Between 10th & 11th do not venture where there are doubts an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. So, better err on the side of the caution, whenever you have doubts regarding a certain course of action. On 14th & 15th your dreams shall begin to be realized. Students will be interested in technical studies and will be successful in higher studies. In service, your enhanced position shall give your more honour and financial benefit.

16th to 23rd September - Between 16th & 17th Education and marriage prospects of children will give you tension. You may experience hindrances and obstacles. There may be a lack of confidence. Due to unfavorable circumstances, you may lose your patience and take unfruitful decisions. Between 18th & 20th unfortunately, love might not be an antidote for all your stress and worries Instead, it is likely to elevate your mental uneasiness. For couples or those in any kind of love relationship, you might face a tough time on the romantic front. If you are single or have been trying to get into a relationship with someone then wait for some time. The planetary position predicts that this might not be a good time to get into a new relationship. Between 21st & 23rd the professional side of your life gives you a mixed bag of experience.  Your brain is likely to produce some weighty ideas for both job and business expansion but to put them in action can be really tough.

24th & 30th September - Between 24th & 25th for those who have just finished their education and are on the lookout for their first job, the period is likely to grant you a pool of options and opportunities to grab. Subsequently, for those who are looking out for a job change, this might be a favorable time for you too. Between 26th & 27th you may divert your concentration towards unfruitful deeds, therefore, pre-planning is must. Helpful attitude towards your subordinates will be treated with respect. Between 28th & 30th the tide will change for better. You will assert your position and may slight someone to prove your point. You will show your self confidence in whatever you do.


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Nov 22 - Dec 21

1st to 7th September - Between 1st & 2nd you must maintain your cooperative nature to bring about the desired results in your workplace. You will feel grateful that some recent obstacles in your work or your studies will seem to fade away. Between 4th & 5th Economic gains are expected.  Socially your reputation will rise. Conjugal bliss seems to be more peaceful. Love life will be very romantic and active, your partner may seem to be more attached with you and give full support on your actions. Between 6th & 7th   don’t be afraid to confront situations concerning loved ones in order to solve any problems that may exist.  This is a good  time to take calculated risks. 

8th to 15th September -  Between 8th & 9th Prioritize your health issues and you will see the benefits for a long time to come. Old people are advised to be careful with their joints and muscles as problems can occur on either front. Between 10th & 11th you will be confused about the intentions of someone you work with. Put aside any decisions concerning your position at work. Don't be too eager to give a piece of your mind or even your opinion. Between 12th & 13th you may have to experience, obstacles and hindrances. Perhaps, your views and thoughts may not match accurately with other family members. Hence, domestic life might be full of tensions and anguish. Between 14th & 15th going back on your words will cost you dear.Shun unnecessary emotionality and sentimentality, when you need to  take crucial decisions. 

16th to 23rd September - Between 16th & 17th you will find yourself with full of fanaticism and passion. . There may be a lack of patience. Due to your impatience you may take a few wrong and unfruitful decisions. Remember, your over confidence may lead you towards miseries. Between 18th & 20th you’re likely to face stubborn opposition from the conservatives but act firmly and convince them that you mean business. Put the spotlight on being practical work-wise. Between 21st & 23rd socially you will be quite active.  May show your magnanimity to your subordinates and shall receive kudos from them. 

24th & 30th September - Between 24th & 25th Despair and sadness will surround you. You'll feel lonely and lost.  A crisis of self confidence is lurking around the corner, and you will feel inclined` to give up your struggle against adversities. Between 26th & 27th A change for better may occur in career, with the solution of a nagging problem. Way to your promotion may be cleared.  Between 28th & 30th you’ll realize that hard work alone can’t achieve the desired objective unless supported by luck. Let small successes add up to give you tangible positive outcomes, rather than going for the big game and losing everything totally.

Dec 22- Jan 19

1st to 7th September - Between 1st & 2nd although expenses will be there, good income will square it up.   You will receive favors from your superiors and secure betterment in career. Between 3rd &5th you could raise hackles if you get on your moral high horse. Take care not to upset someone close to you by your fine but fussy attention to details. It really doesn't suit you to play Mr. Perfect and continually draw attention to the failings of others. Between 6th & 7th avoid any confrontation or altercation at every cost to ensure your mental peace. You'll have good meeting with likeminded people.

8th to 15th September - Between 8th & 9th Communication will be your strong point and you should be able to persuade others to see things your way. Don't let your emotions interfere with your professional integrity. Between 10th & 11th you may be spending heavily.  Your decision to spend money on things which are not absolutely necessary right now may lead to regret later.  Between 12th & 13th your family matters will be getting highlighted.  Be a responsible member of the family, otherwise there will be arguments.   You need to be very careful with your diet as there are chances for acid reflux. Between 14th & 15th you'll have good time to relax and rest. You will be focusing more on your peace and happiness.   News from abroad or far off places would spread a magical smile over your face. 

16th to 23rd September - Between 16th & 17th, you'll have all avenues open to have dialogues with all.  But you'll have to work hard to put your ideas into practice.  Many held up jobs will be revived.  Between 18th & 20th Try to control your negative thoughts, lest, it can make you do something immoral. You may feel more aggressive during this time, and it will only harm you.  There may be errors and omissions on your part while carrying out your work. Between 21st & 23rd avoid indulging in any hazardous job, else you may suffer badly. Personal and professional considerations may weigh heavily at this juncture.  Emotional disturbances may affect the understanding with your partner.

24th & 30th September - Likely to prove a cheerful and happy week. You can make better use of the week by involving yourself in spiritual activities. Feelings of happiness will enhance your level of confidence. Between 24th & 26th you may change your job, residence, office or even profession.  House renovation may need much expense for which you'll have help from quite an unexpected quarter. May succeed in some competitive exam.  Between 27th & 30th you may feel restless and stressed up, and get irritated from small things. Some concerns will arise on the personal front. There will be some questions or problems which you will be compelled to keep to yourself, prompting you to come up with the solution on your own. Try to keep your stress level down .



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Jan 20 - Feb 18

1st to 7th September - Between 1st & 2nd you may face some unpleasant moments with your superiors. Such a situation will require you to work with more patience and mental stability, and you will have to use your skills and virtues to keep your balance on each front. Between 3rd & 5th continue to stand your ground over partnership or domestic matters by all means, but you should understand that it's best to concentrate on the long-term rather than be drawn into daily squabbles.  Between 6th & 7th you'll tactfully show your prudence to elicit praise from all for your talents. You should partner with someone dynamic in order to increase your career prospects.

8th to 15th September - Between 8th & 9th you'll have good time: may attend family functions. Carrying out more responsibilities will be possible and this will reduce your level of comfort. However, various expenses due to the family will also arise. Overall, you will able to handle the situation with ease. Between 10th & 11th slight trouble will be seen in your love affairs.  There will be situations where, despite proximity to your loved ones, your mind would be in a state of confusion. Irrespective of this, you will be given full support from your beloved people. Romantic gestures from your end will be required during this period. Reminiscing about old memories will bring joy again. Between 12th & 13th students may enrich their knowledge. Spending towards spiritual purposes will be more.   Review your strategies and priorities, as it will surely help in getting rid of some of the mental blocks that you have developed.  Between 14th & 15th you will derive satisfaction from the work accomplished by you. Work atmosphere will be favorable for you. You should go forward and give your artistic mind a fair chance. Do not be held back by conservatism or hesitation. 

16th to 23rd September - Between 16th & 17th its decision time again.  Major changes are taking place in your thinking process, and you are becoming more conscious about people’s action and reactions.  You may let go of your ego problems and genuinely open up to the people. Between 18th & 20th you may open a new line of activity.  Try to shake off your insecurities and move ahead with confidence.  Between 21st & 23rd you may get relief from physical troubles and illnesses though financially you may appear a bit hard pressed.  Flexibility and compromise can solve a troubled family matter.

24th & 30th September - You can find this week to be a meaningful one. Between 24th & 26th you can spend time in improvising and adapting yourself to changing conditions. Many of the problems will be solved which have been haunting you and your partner.  So you can afford to lighten up your mind from the love related issues.   Between 27th & 28th   if you don't want to spoil everything, control your aggression. Your physical and mental health may support you. You need to be cautious regarding court-related matters. You are urged to make every decision only after thinking twice. Between 29th & 30th your attention shall be riveted towards spiritual questions, existence of God and soul. You shall devote more time to social activities than your professional work. 



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Feb 19 - March 20

1st to 7th September -  Between 1st & 2nd For most part you will be away from your family, mostly on a trip for business or leisure purposes. Family takes a backseat now and having a successful career will be the only thing on your mind. Between 3rd & 5th the students will do very well in their studies. It is ideal time for you to indulge in research work or higher studies. You may feel insomnia. It is recommended for you to have a healthy diet and proper rest to maintain your health. Between 6th & 7th You will feel a surge of will power and optimism. You may need to tone down your will to achieve and try to use a safer method. Tact and diplomacy may come in very good use if you could use it. 

8th to 15th September - Between 8th & 10th family atmosphere will be full of love and cordiality. There will be a celebration in the family. You would feel like your relationship should get some social recognition during this time. Your friend circle may increase. Between 11th & 13th do not aim for high aspirations now. If you do, you will only get hurt. Keep your emotions under control, depression and self pity are to be avoided at all cost. Avoid any confrontation with your rivals and entertain no stranger.  Between 14th & 15th Work pressure may exhaust you enough for relaxation. The enemies will only add to your problem by creating unnecessary hurdles and difficulties on your path.

16th to 23rd September - Between 16th & 17th will be filled with much activity. Any effort for long-term planning will be successful. You may get a chance to implement your thoughts to increase your financial stability. New stabilized contacts now may prove very productive.  Between 18th & 20thBe careful, you must make a serious attempt to learn to overpower your emotions. Otherwise you will waste all your positive energy. Destiny can play strange tricks. Keep close to reality.   Between 21st & 23rd There are chances of accidental expenses .  You may incur expenses after renovating your home or property. The chances of you spending some money on religious activities are also there during this time. It's recommended for you to avoid gambling to make easy money. Between 21st & 23rd do not be overconfident about the results of your efforts. Watch the development of the next few days before you decide on other thing.

24th & 30th September - You need to possess courage and determination to handle the week effectively. A positive outlook will help you to be confident and bold. You may need to take efforts to make the week more stable. Between 24th & 25th Avoid discussion on controversial topics as far as possible.  Also exercise diplomacy while reviewing performance of sub-ordinates. You need to develop the ability to point shortcomings without coming across as putting down the associate unnecessarily.  Between 26th & 27 th you may not find solutions to statutory problems. You are a conventional person and not one for taking impulsive decisions. Try to lie low and leave important matters for some other day. Between 28th & 30th is the time to go beyond   yourself imposed restrictions and try adventurous things. Give respect to tender   feelings of others; winning people is as important as reaching your goals.


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